Associate Membership Application
Please accept my application for non-voting Associate / Partner Membership for affiliation with the CenTex Independent Electrical Contractors. I agree to abide by the associations bylaws that pertain to this membership for as long as my membership is current and active. As an Associate Member, I agree to conduct our business affairs with all members of the CenTex IEC in an honorable and ethical manner.
This applicant for affiliation in IEC is required to be a company or corporation who is not a registered electrical contractor but whose products and/or services are allied to the electrical contracting industry. Such applicant for nonvoting associate membership is subject to review the Board of Directors of this Chapter of IEC. The CenTex IEC strengthens industry partnerships by providing each Associate / Partner Member with opportunities for full participation in chapter affairs, including attending and participating in general assembly meetings, luncheons, social events and product showcases.
In conjunction to signing this contract I also agree to allow the CenTex IEC to include our company in their directory on their website, with information including company name, location, phone, fax, email, social media and web address.
The first dues payment must accompany this application, as an initiation fee.